"In recent years, the work-from-home (WFH) model has become a staple for many professionals. While working from home offers flexibility and convenience, whether it’s from your home in Seattle, WA, an apartment in Kirkland, WA, or a rental house in Shoreline, WA, it can also lead to feelings of isolation and burnout. Whether you're grappling with monotony or struggling to find the right work-life balance, finding ways to reignite your enthusiasm and make your remote work experience more enjoyable is important. Here are some tips and strategies on how you can overcome boredom at home and boost your productivity while working.
Incorporate movement and mindfulness
Adding in some exercises can really lift your spirits and help you tackle the day with more energy. We hear from some fitness instructors on the best way to incorporate movement while working from home, from incorporating short stretching routines between meetings to prioritizing movement throughout the day.
From flow to go
Nadia Rodriguez from Bodytonic Pilates located in Seattle’s Pioneer Square emphasizes the importance of incorporating some sort of movement into your WFH routine.“Some work-from-home employees find entering a flow state easy without the distractions sometimes found in on-site work settings,” explains Rodriguez. But did you know spending too long of a stretch in a flow state can be counterproductive? On the contrary, movement breaks have been shown to increase productivity, creativity, job satisfaction, and a healthy mental health status. Movement breaks can be as short as 5 minutes to as long as an hour.”